Wednesday 21 October 2009

Article for Folio Magazine, Autumn 2009

I was interviewed by Niki Whittle from Hip Shapes and Bristol Fashion - Fashion blogger & Personal Stylist and columnist for Folio Magazine

What is it about Bristol that you love, why would you say it was a great place to live and work?

Bristol is historical, romantic, and innovative. I love the energy and the randomness of it all. One lunchtime I was sitting watching the city from a bench at the top of Brandon Hill, and a chap was playing Debussy’s Valse Romantique on a piano next to where I was sitting. I am always bumping into people I know - there is a real sense of connectivity here. People are willing to collaborate and create. There are some really exciting things happening, and people aren’t afraid to push beyond the ‘norm’ and innovate. It’s a wonderful place to live.

From observing what real people in Bristol wear, how would you describe Bristol’s style? What do you like about it?

A lot of people that I have come across create wonderful compositions out of recycled, eco, vintage, skate, second-hand clothes sometimes even thrown in with pieces from local theatre wardrobes. I would say this kind of look is a good reflection of the identity, lifestyle and beliefs of people in Bristol. The majority of people have their own unique style, and I would say it is either uber-chilled, ‘country’ ‘Sturban’, or theatrical.

How do you think the style in Bristol differs from other cities and why?

What is unique about Bristol is that with such a huge influx of students and professionals from all over the world and with so many lifestyle choices, it determines the eclectic style of the city. Skater, Graffiti artist, thespian, media mogul, fashionista, Cliftonite, eco-warrior all contribute to the interesting ensembles. I’ve seen a lot of pyjamas and Uggs wandering around Clifton, some beautiful tattooed women with 40’s shoes gracing Gloucester Road, and some incredibly chic, tailored ‘Parisian’ girls sipping on their espressos.

Are there any aspects of Bristol that inspire your own style?

The theatricality, the history and the ‘confidence’ of the city.

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